Our Support Team work with an expert Psychology Team to make sure you have access to the level of support you need. 

Lesley and Naomi, are both Clinical Psychologists, specialising in supporting people managing complex physical health conditions. They work closely with Sam, Zoe, Vicky, and Nicole, to design the right support, and to offer specialist emotional wellbeing support to members of our community who might be facing emotional challenges related to their or their loved one’s aplastic anaemia. All of our support is provided without charge.

What can we help you with?

We help people adjust to the emotional impact and stresses that can occur with aplastic anaemia.
For example, we work with people affected by AA, and their family members to help them to: 
  • Cope with a sense that the future is uncertain;  
  • Cope with how illness affects relationships;  
  • Manage the demands of home and family life while caring for yourself or your loved one;   
  • Cope with adjustment, change or loss;  
  • Cope with symptoms or treatment side-effects such as pain, fatigue, brain-fog.  

What kind of support is on offer?

At the current time, you can access the following forms of emotional wellbeing support:

Online courses and meet-ups

We offer a number of online courses throughout the year, including:

    • Managing stress and living with uncertainty
    • Mindfulness for stress
    • Moving Forward: living the life that matters to you
We also run in-person coffee mornings in key treatment locations, where you can meet other people affected by aplastic anaemia for a cuppa and a chat. 

You can find upcoming courses and register for free on our patient support events page:

Upcoming support events

Joining a live course will connect you with more peer support, but if the dates don't work for you, or you're not feeling ready to connect with a small group, you can now complete the Managing Stress & Uncertainty course in your  own time via email series:

Sign up for the self-guided course 


We run webinars on a number of emotional wellbeing topics, with new webinars open for registration at least every other month. Find upcoming events here:

Upcoming support events

One-to-one support

We are here for you. You can contact our support line by phone or by email to speak to a member of our experienced support team - Sam, Zoe or Vicky

Our support team are able to refer you for further expert support, including one-to-one support from one of our specialist Clinical Psychologists.

Get in touch today

"It's impossible to do this alone."

At first Lauren didn't really understand what emotional wellbeing support would involve or how it could help her. But after joining our Managing Stress and Uncertainty course, she says she'd encourage other parents to reach out for support: 

Relaxing resources

We also have the following free resources on our website which you might find helpful:

Relaxing Sound Bath with Sami Fitz

The Aplastic Anaemia Trust worked with Sami Fitz to create this special Sound Bath to help members of our community to unwind after a difficult day. Find a relaxing position, put your headphones on, and immerse yourself in sound

Try the sound bath

Starry night meditation - to aid sleep

The Aplastic Anaemia Trust worked with Becky from Present Moment Meditation to produce this Meditation to aid sleep. 

Many of the aplastic anaemia community have reported to us that worries or fatigue impact their sleep. This simple tool could help you to switch off and drift off - why not give it a go?

Download the free sound file, put on headphones or connect to a speaker, and listen for a moment of calm.

Listen to the meditation

Yoga for better sleep

The Aplastic Anaemia Trust worked with qualified yoga practitioner Bethan Ecclestone to create this session for you.

This recorded hour long yoga session is designed for you to work within your mobility means and comfort and offers a range of movement options suitable for those within the aplastic anaemia community.

Try the yoga session