Bringing failed bone marrow back to life

What is aplastic anaemia?

Aplastic means your bone marrow is failing to produce enough of all essential blood cells. Learn more about the condition, treatment, and how it impacts your life.

Support Line

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with aplastic anaemia, we are here to help. No question is too big, or too small. Contact us online or give us a call.


Author: Sam Williams

Join the community

Learn about people affected by aplastic anaemia in different ways - and connect with others, online and at events.

Fundraise for us

Show your support for people affected by aplastic anaemia and fund essential support and research. Events across the UK include beautiful walks, epic half marathons, and Santa Splash dips in the chilly winter sea! Get fundraising...


Author: Ellie Dawes

Our impact


raised so far by our amazing supporters and invested in research and patient support


new patients and their family members joined our community in the last year


members of our supporter community providing a peer-to-peer lifeline for everyone affected

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  • AAT chat for newly diagnosed people

    This is a monthly online chat group set up for people who have been newly diagnosed with aplastic anaemia. Read more

  • AAT chat for newly diagnosed people

    This is a monthly online chat group set up for people who have been newly diagnosed with aplastic anaemia. Read more