This advice sheet is for young adults who need to go to hospital because of their aplastic anaemia.
Sometimes you will just need to visit hospital for a daytime (outpatient) appointment that means you can go home again straight afterwards. Sometimes you will need to stay overnight at the hospital or even for a long time. This can be a worrying time, especially when you haven’t done it before. But there are lots of things you, your family and your doctors can do to make it easier for you.
What’s in this advice sheet?
This advice sheet has been put together with the help of young adults who have spent some time in hospital because of their aplastic anaemia. It talks about the things you can do before and during your time at the hospital that might help you to feel more comfortable and happy. The young adults explain what it was like for them, and give you some ideas of what you might want to take with you.
Download as a PDF
If you're just looking for a PDF of this advice sheet to download and read, you can find this here.