A productive visit

Grazina, the AAT’s CEO, met with Dr Anita Hill, Consultant Haematologist and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor as well as the haematology team at St James Hospital in Leeds on Friday, 28 September to discuss and agree areas for collaborative working. Dr Anita Hill said:

The Leeds PNH and bone marrow failure team were delighted to meet with the CEO of The AA Trust to explore working together to improve information and management for patients with aplastic anaemia and other bone marrow failure syndromes. There remain unmet needs and areas where we can improve the information available. We strive to further the care for patients with these rare conditions.

DR Anita Hill, St James Hospital and Grazina Berry, AAT CEO

The St James Haematology Team

The Leeds Haematology Team provide an excellent service in one of the two nationally commissioned PNH (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria) treatment centres in England, the other being at King’s College Hospital in London.

The Leeds team, relentlessly focused on improving patient care through timely diagnosis and management, are world-renowned for their expertise in PNH and regularly provide education both in the UK and internationally to further the knowledge, both in terms of diagnosis and patient care.

The team also helps a large number of patients diagnosed with aplastic anaemia, as there is frequently a link to PNH, and have managed to recruit as many as 15 patients to the RACE trial.

 Grazina Berry, AAT’s CEO said:

I am hugely excited about building a closer collaborative partnership with the Haematology Team at St James Hospital in Leeds. The team are patient-focused, work extremely hard to continuously improve patient care, are forward thinking and collaborative in their approaches, which is very much the ethos of the Aplastic Anaemia Trust.

The areas we agreed to work more closely on include the development of additional information resources, including treatment options for elderly patients, expanding patient support and awareness raising opportunities in the North, identifying gaps in research and others.

Kathryn Riley, Clinical Nurse Specialist