This guide is for secondary schools, colleges, or universities who have a student with aplastic anaemia.
If one of your students tells you that they have been diagnosed with aplastic anaemia, it's likely that you have never heard of the condition before. This guide will explain what aplastic anaemia is, how it is treated, and outline the ways in which you can support them with their education and their wellbeing.
What’s in this guide?
This comprehensive guide has been put together with the help of young people who have been through aplastic anaemia, and their families. It explains what aplastic anaemia is and what the treatment options are. It goes through the person's practical needs, physical needs and emotional needs and will help you make a plan for how you can support them in each of these key areas.
The guide also includes advice about how you can explain the condition to other students, keep them feeling included during long absences, and increase awareness and understanding among your community.
You can view or download the advice sheet as a PDF here:
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If you're just looking for a PDF of this advice sheet to download and read, you can find this here.