We are here for you.

The Aplastic Anaemia Trust are the only UK charity supporting people affected by aplastic anaemia.

Expert Led Webinars

From 'dealing with fatigue' to 'understanding the neutropenic diet', an 'overview of the benefits system', to 'knowing your employment rights', our series of expert led webinars are here to help.  

Book Club

Our book club takes place every four to six weeks.  Join us to discuss the latest book we have been reading with the rest of the group. We are a friendly bunch and welcome newcomers.  

Chat Groups

These groups are set up for people affected by aplastic anaemia.  Perhaps you are newly diagnosed, on watch and wait or have just received a bone marrow transplant.  You may be a parent or carer or have a friend who has the condition.  Whatever your position there will be a chat group for you.

Online Well-being Courses

Join our twelve week Managing Stress and Living with Uncertainty Course designed to help with the stress and uncertainty of living with aplastic anaemia.  Or maybe our Mindfulness Course will be more up your street.  We have partnered with Maggie's to bring you lots of emotional wellbeing support.

Booklets and Resources

We create detailed resources for aplastic anaemia patients, to give you expert information on your disease and treatment.  You can order these to be delivered to you for free, or download directly from our website. 

Look out for our MarrowKidz resources designed specially for children too.

Join the Community

The aplastic anaemia trust is on instagram, twitter and facebook.  Give us a follow, and connect with our friendly and supportive community via our facebook support group

Families Project

Offering tailored support to the whole family, this project supports everyone affected by aplastic anaemia, including siblings, parents, grandparents and extended family.  

Click on any of the images above to find the support you are looking for, browse our website, or alternatively give us a call on our helpline and speak to one of our friendly Support & Outreach team or drop us an email at [email protected]