Why leave a legacy?

There is no better way to let the memory of a loved one live on than knowing you've helped to find a cure for a rare disease and give hope to lots of people.

The only curative treatment for patients suffering from severe or very severe aplastic anaemia is a stem cell transplant. The survival rates are very positive if the transplant is from a match and in donors with good health. However, if you're over 40, survival rates are around 55% at 10 years from transplantation. We want to improve this outcome and with your legacy - can achieve this.

What will your legacy gift help us achieve?

In 30 year's time we will have, together, achieved the following:

  • everyone diagnosed with a rare bone marrow disease will have a chance of living a healthy and full life
  • we will have found a cure for aplastic anaemia and allied rare bone marrow failures, both acquired and inherited
  • we’ll have a good understanding of the causes of the disease and will be able to recommend accessible preventative treatments and therapies in your local treatment centre

Leaving a legacy gift is easy:

  1. Before you speak to a solicitor, try and calculate the value of your estate. This will help you to work out how much you would like to leave to charity. 
  2. Next, find a solicitor. If you do not have a family solicitor, then click here to find one near you.

If you have not got a will you can use the services of Farewill who will help you draft one.