My sister in law has a condition called Aplastic Aneamia and the Aplastic Aneamic Trust have been a invaluable support line to her as she fights this disease. I thought I would try and do something to help support the charity.

Your charity donation helps the following: -

Funding new research

This year with your support, we're investigating new treatment options, that could offer hope to more people, and improve quality of life for patients and their families.

Expanding our support

Our small part-time Support & Outreach team have directly supported over 282 people in the last year.

We've answered phone calls and messages from newly diagnosed people. We've referred people to our partners at Maggie's for specialist support. We've provided advice on how to access financial support - the cost of living crisis has seen a big increase in the number of people contacting us who are struggling with the financial impact of an aplastic anaemia diagnosis.

We've also trained our teams to offer bereavement support, and created new support groups for bereaved people, and for members of our community on watch and wait.

Lee Tyers