I was diagnosed with Aplastic Anaemia in May of 2010. Like most the population, I had never heard of the illness before, making it all the more daunting. I spent two years receiving intensive treatment and blood transfusions, spending a lot of time in hospital. This was hard for me, as I was an extremely active child. Thankfully, I had a partial response to the treatment and my blood counts rose steadily over the next couple of years.

By the time I had reached sixth form, my blood counts were all pretty much back to normal, apart from my platelets. A big part of my recovery was participating in regular sport, including football, tennis and cross country running. I represented West-Yorkshire at cross-country and spent several years in my school's cross country first team.

The Great North Run, is not only a chance to raise vital funds for the Aplastic Anaemia Trust, but also another challenge for me to complete. Since my diagnosis 14 years ago, I now live a normal life. I have graduated from university with a degree in Politics and International Relations and now the future looks the bright. This would not have been possible without the treatment and the support I have received from the AAT!

What is aplastic anaemia?

Aplastic Anaemia is a rare type of bone marrow failure. It's where the bone marrow stops creating all kinds of blood cells. It's really rare and affects 1 in every half a million people. 

Aplastic anaemia treatment is very similar to the treatment someone might have for leukaemia - but because it's so rare, families often don't have access to the same information and support.

The Aplastic Anaemia Trust is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting people affected by aplastic anaemia and funding research into this rare form of bone marrow failure.

By donating you'll be....

Funding Research
This year The AAT will be investigating new treatment options, that could offer hope to more people, and improve quality of life for patients and their families. 

Providing support

  • Provide a young child with a story book that explains what aplastic anaemia is and what they can expect from a long stay in hospital - making the long and difficult treatment less frightening.
  • Make sure there is always some one on the end of the phone. Having someone to talk to who understands, who you don't have to explain your condition to again and again. The AAT hotline ensures no one is alone.
Harry Clague