Support us Find a fundraiser's page 13.1 & Done: Saz and Kirky’s Half Marathon! Donate On May 26th we will be running the Edinburgh Half Marathon!This will be the first half marathon we have ever done and we are so excited to be running it for The Aplastic Anaemia Trust! Some of our wonderful friends have connections to this charity and through them we know just how important the work they do is. Neither of us would describe ourselves as runners but we are putting the work in to train and determined to get to that finish line! Any donations would be hugely appreciated and will go towards a very good cause ❤️Aplastic Anaemia is an incredibly rare bone marrow disorder that causes the bone marrow to stop producing white and red blood cells, haemoglobin, platelets and iron among other things making it pretty life threatening, and there is currently no cure for it. The Aplastic Anaemia Trust is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting people affected by aplastic anaemia and funding research into this rare form of bone marrow failure.Thank you so much!- Sarah and Ciorstan Ciorstan Towers Manage Cookie Preferences