If you're living with a condition and being supported by any of the charities listed below, whether you have it yourself or you're supporting a close family member, you will likely be dealing with a lot of stress and uncertainty. Brought to you as part of the Better Together Alliance Project, this course is designed to help you to deal with the emotional burden of living with these conditions. 


What does this involve? 

This course will help you learn techniques to help you face the challenges of living with bone marrow failure. There are six week
ly sessions each with 60 minutes of psycho-educational content and 30 minutes of meditation/reflective practice. The course uses ACT, an evidence-based therapeutic approach, that people say makes immediate sense. The strategies are straightforward and easy to build into your day.

Topics include understanding stress and uncertainty, learning how to respond to difficult thoughts and emotions, how to use everyday mindfulness, and how to live life in the way that matters to you despite. stress and uncertainty. 

To join the course, you will need access to the internet to join the 6 Zoom sessions (dates below). Ideally you will also need WhatsApp, to join the discussion group and keep in contact with your tutor. We will add you to the WhatsApp group using the number you provide when you register. If you don't have WhatsApp or need technical support, please feel free to give our support line a ring on 0300 102 3202. 

About Catarina Baptista 

Catarina has been working in health settings for the last 18 years and has vast experience in cancer care, fatigue and pain.  

Catarina works with people who have been psychologically and emotionally impacted by these conditions in group and individual settingsShe helps them to find meaning and purpose and live a life that serves them despite their diagnosis. Managing stress, anxiety, dealing with humour fluctuations, adapting to body and emotional changes are some of the areas of biggest investment. 

The work she does is tailored and she gives a lot of value to the therapeutic dynamic and relation in the process of development and change.   

The group helps you to deal with the fact that your plans from before the disease go away and you need to collect the pieces. I also learned how to deal with feelings of guilt and to understand that you come first. I became so much more confident...you feel that you are valid and it is normal to feel in a certain way.  Feedback from previous support sessions with Maggie's Psychologists 

Session dates  

Please add these dates to your diary! You will receive an email the day before each session as a reminder, with the Zoom link. 

    • Thursday 26th September, 9.30-11am
    • Thursday 3rd October, 9.30-11am
    • Thursday 10th October, 9.30-11am
    • Thursday 17th October, 9.30-11am
    • Thursday 24th October, 9.30-11am
    • Thursday 31st October, 9.30-11am

How to join 

Register for the course below. We will add you into a WhatsApp group, so you can communicate with the rest of the group, and send you a reminder email the day before each of your sessions which will include the link to join the session on Zoom. Please be sure to check your spam folder if you do not receive a reminder the day before each session.  We will also pop the link in the WhatsApp Chat on the day of the session too.

Your Data 

In order for us to be able to deliver and evaluate the success of the course as part of the Better Together for Healthy Bone Marrow Alliance Project, the data you provide will be shared with The Aplastic Anaemia Trust, Maggie's and Insley ConsultingPlease check the box on the next page to confirm you understand this and are happy to proceed. 

This project is supported by The National Lottery Community Fund – thanks to players of The National Lottery. 



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Managing Stress with Catarina Sept 2024

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