Hello, just sharing some news about our son, James.  Here he is in September at the Institution of Civil Engineering in London, becoming a Chartered Civil Engineer, a very happy & proud moment for the whole family.  

Roll back 12 years and he was in a hospital bed in UCLH undergoing a stem cell transplant for very severe aplastic anaemia.  The disease stole a year of his life and immersed him into a world of hospitals, transfusions & heavy medication. You can read his full story here.

It felt so good to see him standing in a grand building, holding a very grand certificate with his whole life ahead of him.  Looking at him, nobody would have known the trauma, but we knew, which made it all the more special. 

For all those going through the AA journey at the moment, please stay strong, keep hoping & we wish you the very best of luck!  

Love Jill & Charles x