The potential rain never materialised on our first ever London Wildlife Walk. 

We organised this event in partnership with London Wildlife Trust, who loved the idea of organising an accessible day where people affected by aplastic anaemia could meet outdoors and enjoy the restorative powers of nature. 

Special thanks to Lora for designing the day with us, Lira for being our expert nature guide "She caught a grasshopper for us!", Dhush for looking up aplastic anaemia before delivering an epic afternoon pond dipping and craft session, and Eva and the Cafe team for providing our walkers with a discount on a delicious lunch (the aubergine ciabatta sandwiches were brilliant.)

Wildlife spotted on the walk included a peregrine falcon, great crested grebes (and their stripey babies), huge dragon flies, teeny baby newts - and even a turtle (terrapin?), sunning itself on a log - which we assume is descended from an escaped pet!

Walkers learned that baby swifts do push ups in the nest to prepare for months spent on the wing, some flies pretend to be wasps, and the best places to look out to spot peregrine falcons. 

Here are some of our favourite photos from the day, thanks to Sam for taking pics for us, and to the other walkers who emailed us theirs too. 

If you came on the walk with us, please take a minute to fill out this form and tell us what you thought - as this was a brand new event your feedback is particularly useful for us!