This advice sheet is for young people who have aplastic anaemia.
Aplastic anaemia can change many things in your life, including your friendships and relationships. Right now, your life is taking a very different and unexpected path from most other people of your own age, and everybody reacts to this in different ways. But there are lots of things you can do to keep your friendships going while your treatment is taking place.
What’s in this advice sheet?
This advice sheet has been put together with the help of young people who have been through aplastic anaemia treatment. It talks about how you might feel when you have to be away from your friends, and how your friends might feel about you and your illness. There are lots of tips from young people on how you can talk to your friends about your illness and treatment, and ideas for how you can keep in touch while you are away from school or college and your usual activities.
Download as a PDF
If you're just looking for a PDF of this advice sheet to download and read, you can find this here.