Each year Team Hakka Moy take on the London Vitality 10km and as with tradition we run in fancy dress in order to raise awareness for small charities.

This year we have chosen the incredible charity The Aplastic Anaemia Trust.

What is aplastic anaemia?

Aplastic Anaemia is a rare type of bone marrow failure. It's where the bone marrow stops creating all kinds of blood cells. It's really rare and affects 1 in every half a million people.

Aplastic anaemia treatment is very similar to the treatment someone might have for leukaemia - but because it's so rare, families often don't have access to the same information and support.

By donating you'll be....

- Funding Research

- Providing support

2022 - The year of the Sunflower & The Bumble Bee

2023 - The year of The Unicorns and The Phantom Fairy

This year's theme is Superheroes and The Vitality 10km Superheroes will be out in force.

Please donate what you can and share this page far and wide.

Let's go, V10 Superheroes!! Annie Sam